This year has been a busy one to say the least - with parents really needing the antenatal support and guidance to help them navigate through their choices for labour, birth and beyond. Since the global pandemic many NHS antenatal classes and courses have not resumed, this leaves parents seeking out payed courses. For me, I feel that anyone who has chosen to attend a class NCT or HBB should be leaving with as much preparation that I can physically give and that is my ultimate goal.
For classes over 2022 I have seen over 329 parents to be and welcomed around 130 babies so far - I even had a HBB Christmas day baby . I have introduced my HBB masterclasses in late NOV 22 with many things planned for 2023.
My NCT classes run in central and south Manchester are fully booked until mid year already with no capacity for me to add any more in physically - hence me creating my local masterclass sessions which run weekend evenings - to hopefully aid many more parents to be - first, second or third baby and beyond there is always more confidence to gain - and remembering that guidelines and research change.
Wishing you a Happy New Year and all the best for 2023 x
